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How to Find Motivated Business Sellers & Grow Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

This course will show you...

The DealFlowSystem Course is perfect for beginner to intermediate level LinkedIn users.  By the end of the course, you will have created a "Serious Buyer" LinkedIn Profile, using Sales Navigator like a Deal Flow Prospecting Pro, building your Social Capital Goodwill and filling your calendar with 5 to 10 Motivated Sellers every month! 

  1.  How to Only Target Motivated Sellers
  2.  How to Position Yourself as a Serious Buyer - even if you are 1st time buyer
  3.  How to create Unlimited Motivated Seller Leads...
  4.  How to get to your Motivated Seller onto that first zoom call
  5.  What questions to ask a Motivated Seller - to uncover good deals!

What People Are Saying...