Learn How to Buy Your First Business and
Create a Serial Acquisition System

Join 1000+ other subscribers and learn from the Top M&A Entrepreneurs Podcast - "Serial Acquirers" and get a bunch of FREE stuff:

  • Debt Stress Test Template
  • First Meeting Seller Questions
  • LinkedIn Outreach Swipe File
  • NDA - Non Circumvent Template
  • Due Diligence Task List Template
  • Acquisition Deal Pipeline Template 
  • Letter of Intent
  • Closing Checklist
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About Me

I am an Investor.  I am seeking my 4th acquisition.  My first acquisition, I had to shut that one down (Yahoo changed their ad policy).  I bought the second one, a bit of a fixer upper, and sold that on EmpireFlippers.  I still have a minority equity position in the 3rd.   I have also worked on startups - founded a company called TurboSquid,  raised $5m and many years later it was sold to Shutterstock.   So, I have worked on both, startups and acquisitions,  my opinion...Acquisitions, on average, are more lucrative. 

Host of "The Top M&A Entrepreneur's Podcast".  Wow,  I am approaching my 100th episode.   Interviewing M&A Entrepreneurs is like have lunch with Warren Buffet.   What could you learn from talking to 100 Acquisitions Entrepreneurs...modeling the success of others...this is why I love doing it!

Basically...the questions I ask my guests, spoon-feed you strategies on how you can start acquiring companies.  Maybe it will help you acquire your first acquisition or become a serial acquirer - and next, I will be interviewing you!

I launched DealFlowSystem - which turned into coaching other Acquisition Entrepreneurs - you know what they say, "You can have everything you want if you just help enough people get what they want".  

I am a Prostate Cancer Conqueror - kicked cancer's ass (well my Doctors and a clinical trial of mRNA did) in 2022. 

Husband and father to teen twins - boy and girl.

Dog lover - Turbo - best dog ever!

NAU Lumberjack and USAF Military Veteran - highlight: back seat ride in F4 Phantom