Make a Fortune Selling Businesses in Dubai This Year

The conversation covers various aspects of business brokerage in Dubai, including the listing duration, buyer characteristics, financials, lead generation, seller behavior, commission structure, due diligence, and the challenges of deal closures. The speaker also shares insights on the transition from small to large deals, the importance of recurring income, and advice for aspiring business brokers.
Business listings in Dubai have varying turnaround times, with profitable listings selling quickly, while unsuccessful or new businesses take longer to sell.
Buyers in Dubai are predominantly individual buyers, but investment companies and groups are also involved in business acquisitions.
The financials of businesses in Dubai are often messy, with a lack of tax culture and bookkeeping practices, making due diligence challenging.
Lead generation for business listings in Dubai involves local PPC, social media ads, and LinkedIn outreach to acquire sellers, followed by advertising on local portals and business-for-sale websites.
Seller behavior in Dubai can be unpredictable, with instances of sellers backing out of deals at the last minute, leading to deal failures.
The commission structure for business brokerage in Dubai involves charging both the seller and the buyer, with a focus on preventing overpricing of businesses.
Due diligence for business acquisitions in Dubai involves recommending accounting partners for financial due diligence and legal support for buyers.
The transition from small to large deals in business brokerage requires a learning curve, connections, and the ability to handle complex deal structures.
Recurring income from consulting or other services is essential for business brokers to sustain themselves during the initial phase of building a pipeline of business deals.
Aspiring business brokers are advised to start with consulting to build recurring income before transitioning into business brokerage.
The challenges of deal closures, including unexpected obstacles and deal failures, are part of the business brokerage journey in Dubai.
Watch the Interview:
jon (00:01.983)
So we're back. Thank you so much. So tell me a little bit about how long the listing stays on your site and the characteristic and what do the buyers look like? Like, you know, a lot of, a lot of SMBs in the United States are financial buyers, right? They got to go SBA, they got to go raise the money and to buy a multimillion dollar business.
Tahir Javed Kashif (00:02.682)
No worries.
Tahir Javed Kashif (00:22.81)
Okay, if business is successful and profitable, it goes pretty quickly. I would say two to four weeks, eight weeks maximum. The profitable listing is pretty quick.
But of course we have businesses which are not making money, which are basically failed listings or people who just started. After six months a year they run out of cash or they realize it's not for them. So we have these kinds of businesses which takes longer to sell. But everything, mostly whatever we take on, we sell it eventually at some point. Yeah, so you can say average turnaround time is three months from the time we take a listing. It can go up to six months, three to six months.
jon (01:00.607)
How much is it? Yeah. Three to six months, right. And what is it?
Tahir Javed Kashif (01:04.506)
306 months in regards to the cash mostly get cash sales, cash buyers.
jon (01:11.967)
And they put 100 % cash down right at the buy? Wow, okay. And are these entrepreneurs that... What's that?
Tahir Javed Kashif (01:14.234)
And the representation. Yeah, yeah. No FBA, no loans.
No SBA, no loans.
Tahir Javed Kashif (01:30.714)
existing business or funded through them.
jon (01:30.879)
jon (01:35.583)
Yeah, and these SB, I mean, these buyers, they bring down cash. Are they kind of working on a roll -up or the individual, you know, buyers and buying it to run themselves?
Tahir Javed Kashif (01:48.646)
It depends. Mostly our individual buyers who wants to run by themselves and we work also with the investment companies and groups.
have a management in place or existing owner to stay to run it for them. Yeah, depending on the deal inside of the deal.
jon (02:09.599)
Yeah. What about the financials? And I'll give you an example of this. I mean, I look at financials all day long and most industries are pretty messy, right? On the financials. It's like shoe box receipts, you know, in and out and that's it. And extreme example, if you go buy an accounting firm, it's perfect. The books are balanced and it's on QuickBooks and et cetera. But what do those look like?
in Dubai. Do they do a good job of
Tahir Javed Kashif (02:38.234)
Okay, so let's put it in perspective. So if you rate the conditions in a lower side in US at one, so multiply it with 10 in Dubai, so it's 10 times worse. And tell me why, I'll tell you the reason why it's even worse than what you see in US, because in Dubai here, business owners are not used to the text culture.
So not up until 2018, there was zero tax on anything. There were no sales tax on VAT, there was no personal tax, there was no corporate tax. So VAT was introduced in 2018, which kind of gave a little bit of understanding to the business owners. They need to keep their assets to file VAT every quarter and claim their VAT what they pay. But it's not for small business owners, they don't care. So they just...
Often I've seen people they don't file out at VAT at all. So, but still, I mean, they used to be like if the business owner was using their personal account to receive money, make payments and everything. So this is the reason number one, because there were no any tax culture or any, let's say restrictions for them to file their accounts. So they were not keeping the bookkeeping.
Secondly, now the corporate tax is coming next year in New York. So now we see that a little bit the culture is changing and business owners are keeping bookkeeping records and thinking of having proper county practices in place. But still there's a long way to go. I think it will take another 10 years from now, from now depending on how strict the authorities will go after the people who don't.
file VAT or pay their corporate taxes. Another 10 minutes to reach on the level where you are in the US in terms of bookkeeping.
jon (04:42.399)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And how do you go get leads selling to business? I just like everybody in the United States, either network or direct mail or email, or how do you find leads to list businesses?
Tahir Javed Kashif (04:57.274)
Okay, so I have two strategies when it comes to leads. So my main target to get leads are to get sellers, to acquire listings. To acquire listings, I use local PPC, I use social media ads, I'm also...
Tahir Javed Kashif (05:14.842)
get out on social media and LinkedIn is one of the tools which I use to get sellers on board. So I usually go after sellers to get sellers leads. So when the listings come to us, then we advertise it on all the portals, local portals. We have a couple of them which are from Dubai. Then we go to businessasale .com, this is for sale, it's not in UAE at the moment.
I talk to them, but they don't have a presence in UAE, they don't list UAE businesses. So mainly the business of sale is the biggest one. So we work with them. We advertise there and then we get the buyers leads to our partners. But the sellers leads, so it's market leader in UAE, anybody who wants to sell a business, they come to us first before they do anybody else.
jon (05:57.983)
Yeah. Well, what do you look for in a seller, you know, in United States, like I've talked to a lot of business brokers and and A professionals. They try to find somebody that's, you know, you know, the three D's divorce, death or disengaged. But they have to have some kind of, if they're not, they, they have to have some kind of vision of what they want to do next in their life. What does that look like for you? Is this the same or?
Tahir Javed Kashif (06:28.89)
What do you mean, John? Can you repeat your question again? I didn't get you.
jon (06:31.487)
You know, like to make sure that they're, you know, if you go to a seller, a lot of sellers back out at the, you know, all the way up to the, the, the marriage, like standing in front of the priest or whatever it, you know, it just says, you know what? I changed my mind. I want back out. I love the cashflow. You know, I love working 10 hours a day and this is my life and they back out. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (06:46.638)
Tahir Javed Kashif (06:55.514)
Yeah, tell me about it. I had a case where Salah was backed off in front of the notary when the share transfer was happening. So he literally walked up from there, you know, hey, let me think over it. I'll sign it tomorrow. And then that tomorrow didn't come. All right. So I had that situation. I had a situation, in fact, that you mentioned a couple of weeks back. So we had an SPA sales purchase agreement in place, the deposit paid up, everything was done.
So it was an overseas buyer who bought our business and he was supposed to come in two weeks to do the share transfer and handle it. And the day he came, he said, sorry, I don't want to sell it. Why? I got a better offer and I sold my business to someone else. While the SPA wasn't paid everything. Yes, we do have situations like that where sellers say, it's mostly the sellers, you know, where the problem comes from. Interestingly, not from the buyer. You know, it's...
I don't know why because most of the time we get issues and you know problem where the seller kind of spying or tracks for the dealer.
jon (08:04.831)
Yeah. Let me ask you about you in Dubai and your commission structure. And I don't want to get too personal, but I guess like, you know, United States, it's like 10 % for business brokers. I've seen 15%. When I sold my company a long time ago, it was 15%. And then you move up the ladder, the price gets bigger and then the commission gets smaller. Like &A advisors, 5%. What does that look like for you in Dubai?
Tahir Javed Kashif (08:31.834)
Okay fine, I know why were you doing us because one of our competitor here who are I think the second most close competitor they are from the US they started run start in franchise or whatever so they're in Dubai and they have the same structure so the brought in the same structure 12 13 percent permission on seller side nothing on a buyer side.
jon (08:34.783)
Tahir Javed Kashif (08:58.682)
I know the local market, I know the mindset of sellers and buyers. I customize it based on the local demand where I feel that. So I said I work on both buyers and sellers side. Yeah. So what I mean is I charge both sides. I charge 5 % on the seller side and I charge 5 % on the buyer side. Why I charge 5 % on the lower commission on the seller side? Because I don't want the price of business to be overpriced.
because if you look at it and you think about it, the seller is going to put top of our commission on top of the asking price. Yeah. So if.
jon (09:35.199)
Yeah, yeah. They'll just about, if it says it's a million dollar deal and it's 10%, they'll just boost it to, I need to sell this at 1 .2, 1 .2, you know, something like that. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (09:39.002)
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, exactly. So that reviews are my chances to sell that business. Yeah, because it's a high valuation and it makes it kind of tougher at the negotiation table and start to bring that price down. So I charge 5 % on the seller side. On the other side, I charge 5 % to a buyer. I say, hey, look, I'm going to charge you 5 % and this 5 % I'll give you these services. What are these services? We have an in -house...
legal team, we draft the contract, we draft the LOI, we do in -house due diligence, financial due diligence, they do themselves, we do legal due diligence. So they save a lot of money, we add a value on the buyer side, in -house, because we do our regular transactions, so that's why we can afford to have in -house fee to provide support to our buyer. So our total commission is 10%, 5%, 5 % for both sides.
jon (10:33.887)
Right. I thought I was going to ask you about the buyers. They're doing due diligence. If the financials are a little bit messy or just not there, like who's doing the due diligence and what does your team look like to do that? Is it, I mean, you got a better understanding of how business is running to buy than, you know, somebody in the United States.
Tahir Javed Kashif (10:56.506)
Okay, so we don't get involved in financial due diligence. We recommend our accounting partners. So we have a few companies we have tied up with. We have framework agreements with them to refer them to customers. So once the SBA is signed, we come to a due diligence phase.
We talk to a buyer and say, hey, we're gonna do a financial due diligence in -house that will cover your tax affairs, your legal, fines, government entities, everything you have in -house, people will take care of everything. If there is anything, we'll let you know. Financial due diligence, you wanna bring your own auditor account in, you're more than happy. You can arrange yourself or you wanna have us to recommend. We work with these three people. You're free to get in touch with them. So.
It's entirely up to the buyer to arrange everything before the deadline, which is mentioned on the SBA. If he's happy with the due diligence, fine. If not, then he needs to come up with a reasonable grant. Why he's not happy? To pull out the piece from the deal. So that's our due diligence process. And our success rate after SBA is 99%. We get the deal through.
jon (12:03.103)
Is that 5 % seller, 5 % buyer, has that ever gone south? And what does that look like? Everybody pays, everybody pays happy to write you a check, got out of that or what?
Tahir Javed Kashif (12:11.258)
I did actually, I did that. So not all the time, a few times like now we have what is going on with another deal we did four months ago. I'll tell you a story. I hope I can because it's not going to be too long. Can I? Yeah, okay. So we sold the business. It was a business for super car rentals.
jon (12:29.887)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, we got time. We got a little bit more. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (12:39.77)
And B -Persist, they had five cars worth of a couple million dollars and they had office, space, marketing and stuff. So the total value of business was two and a half million dollars. That included...
plus the office life. So they were yeah, credit cards, super cards. Anyway, so we got a buyer who bought it. So at the last minute, you know, when the buyer and seller meet a couple of times, they get used to it. So they start talking, you know, they share the numbers.
jon (12:57.215)
Yeah, crazy cars. Yeah, nice, crazy. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (13:16.666)
It was a big commission, 5 % each side, 10 % it was, well, it's a huge amount of commission, almost $250 ,000, $300 ,000 in the NARV, almost $200 ,000. So they kind of teamed up. And the last day, the deal was done, the deal before, price was agreed, everything was done. On the day of we were supposed to sign an SBA, suddenly the buyer said, hey, I want to speak to you something. I said, what?
He said, I give a thought over, I think the cars are expensive. I'm not interested in buying cars. In any case, we have valued those cars, so I'm interested in buying his license and his office, and I'm not interested in buying his cars. He can sell the cars to anybody in the market. And so I'll give him 500 ,000 just for these things. So basically, they tried to trick me, yeah? So anyway, I said, okay, fine, nothing I can do. If you...
I went back to the seller and said, look, that's what he wants. He doesn't want to buy your car. Are you okay to sell him the company and the offers and all the telephone lines and website and everything and then sell your car somewhere else? This is the price he's offering. He says, it's fine. I'm happy. I was surprised. It was just so easy. He got it. It's fine.
jon (14:30.815)
Tahir Javed Kashif (14:33.466)
And transaction happens, share transfer happens, we bought a company after a couple of weeks. I had a doubt in my mind. So I checked on it after a couple of weeks and I was right. So they bought the car, they went after me and they bought the cars directly after a week. I have to pay the combustion. Yeah, they're behind my car. So yeah, exactly. So we had this situation and also I had a situation when the deal is big. So buyer.
jon (14:47.423)
did a deal behind your back, man. son of a gun. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (15:03.42)
and sellers they kind of you know for a million dirham deal or a couple million dirham deal they just get stuck on a price on a negotiation for 200 ,000 dirham or 100 ,000 which is exactly the you know
jon (15:19.039)
It's like they get something in their head and go, it's too much, it's not worth it. He's not, you know, he's just, yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (15:22.234)
Like just to play with the fee or commission, you know, both of them are stuck. Okay, the buyer is saying, okay, I'll pay you 1 .8 million. The seller, no, no, I want 2 million. And my commission is exactly 200 ,000. And I can get that, that they're trying to play with my commission. That's what they're asking. So that time, you know, sometimes to get the deal happen, I say, okay, guys, listen, let's do a 1 .9.
jon (15:42.079)
Tahir Javed Kashif (15:47.546)
I'll sacrifice my 100 ,000, let's get the deal done. So that's how I also sometimes had to push because for me, it's very important to have a deal. I don't want at the last minute, you know, for some commission for the deal to, you know, fall off. So yeah, we have stories like everybody else in the industry. Yeah. So there is, there are times. The one for supercars? Yes. No, I hadn't.
jon (15:53.343)
jon (16:08.671)
Is that one of the weirdest steals you've had?
Tahir Javed Kashif (16:15.482)
I have so many stories, John. So if you want to hear all the stories, I've done so many memes. We do five.
jon (16:20.799)
Yeah, tell me the weirdest deal that you've ever done. Kind of like pleasantly surprised it happened fast or what? Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (16:27.162)
Okay, the weirdest deal that happened fast or the worst? So you want to know the good one or not?
jon (16:33.151)
Yeah, so the worst deal is like, I would consider that, you know, two guys to buyer and seller negotiating behind my back for, you know, some of my commission kind of a unethical deal. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (16:42.522)
Okay, I'll tell you, I'll tell you one of the good deal, all right? So I have my colleague of mine, his name is Jamie. So he did that deal actually, it was mine, but he ended up closing it. So I had to travel, that was last year, I think, or early this year. So I had to travel and I had a buyer to read. So we had a nursery, which came just literally 24 hours before. And...
I got a call from someone, hey, I want to buy a nursery, do you have one? I said, yeah, I just got one yesterday, so you want to look at it. So he said, yeah, we'd like to see it tomorrow at 9 a And I had a flight on the same night. So I asked my colleague, I said, hey, I have this viewing, can you please take care of it tomorrow? I said, it's fine. It went at nine o 'clock, everything was done, at the same time, they shook hands. So the deal was closed in 48 hours. And by the time I landed,
jon (17:33.055)
he already... Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (17:34.97)
Yeah, by the time we landed he told me, hey, the deal is closed already, the buyer has paid the deposit. I said, what the hell are you talking about? Yeah, that's what he was putting me out with. Yeah.
jon (17:39.039)
That's awesome. I mean, obviously that buyer like I'm going to be selling a lot of palm trees to freaking a lot of people on some building in Dubai. He's like, I already know I need a palm tree business or something.
Tahir Javed Kashif (17:51.482)
Yeah and we got 250 ,000 commission and guess what I had to split half with my colleague it was there just for 30 minutes. Yeah so yeah.
jon (18:00.799)
wow, wow, wow, yeah. Yeah, like about 15 years ago when Vegas was killing this, they had some buyers come down to Tucson. They were looking for palm trees everywhere. They dig them up and then take them to Las Vegas. Yeah. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (18:10.746)
Yeah. Yeah. And I'll tell you one more story, which is actually we're going through today. I was very busy and, you know, we done a deal, another medical center, which is kind of failing. So it was with us for the last few months. We were trying to find a buyer for it. We found a buyer, a fashion designer, who wants to convert it to a very prime location in one of the best areas in Dubai.
beach road. So they wanted to buy the property to convert it to a fashion store from our medical clinic. So we agreed on a goodwill or a price for them. They just wanted to leave the place and transfer the lease on our new buyer's name. So two weeks before they signed the SPA, all money paid. All money paid, yeah. That's $200 ,000.
price at the point of SBA the condition was the landlord will give a consent on that transaction will agree that the transfer the legal so the deal was done on landlord's office everything was fine landlords represented not exactly the owner the guy who was the highest manager the leading manager confirmed fine one P Dory everything is good there'll be a slight increase in rent probably five percent percent I will confirm with you in a couple days and you guys can go
The desk was signed, the full amount was paid, the closing was 25th three days ago, was the closing, handover was, and the seller was supposed to take all the stuff from there and locate the facility within two weeks. Now today, this morning, we had a meeting with the landlord, so landlord called me yesterday, hey, we would like to meet you. The buyer is here right now. So we went to meet the landlord, said hey, listen, our management has changed.
Tahir Javed Kashif (20:11.546)
I lost my job and the management doesn't want to give that leave up. So they want to use that will up for their own usage. So there's no need. So sorry, I cannot give you a lease on your company. So what the hell are you talking about? Already this money's paid. They already canceled all their staff, the employment contracts, paid them to get to tea, salaries, the business had shut down and they even removed their boards. Now the existing business no more exists.
jon (20:21.759)
Tahir Javed Kashif (20:40.538)
I mean, that's the situation I'm in right now. Actually, in fact, I would like to take any advice or any of your listeners advice. What me myself know with all of our SBAs templates, you know, take us out from any, you know, we just act as brokers, you know, we have no myself, but I feel bad for my buyer because I know that if they don't get that place, the seller is not going to pay that amount back.
jon (20:44.799)
Do you have any legal exposure?
jon (21:09.343)
Tahir Javed Kashif (21:09.946)
most probably not all of it. So they're gonna deduct the amount of losing business and it's not sell as close either because on a good faith they have, and the landlord's employee says, look, I'm just an employee and I've got no more job. I'm on a notice period. I'm leaving in 30 days. The new manager may have sacked me and the other one was looking at the case, nothing I can do about it. So now I'm meeting lawyers tomorrow and there's a big mess and I have to take care of it. The buyer was kind of.
jon (21:40.223)
Yeah, yeah. Yikes. Yeah. So how many deals do you have to do a month where you're happy and you know, it's good.
Tahir Javed Kashif (21:41.754)
Yes. Yep.
Tahir Javed Kashif (21:51.738)
Well, if it's less than five, I'm not happy. Five is our target. If we don't do five, we're gonna have a big team. I'm not myself. We have a team of 13. Right now, I think we're 14 or 15. 15, so. Yeah, yeah, five deals. So, so far this year, we have done about 15 deals, 16 deals. Yeah, yeah, it's average, but this year's target is 50 deals. Last year, we did 21.
jon (21:56.063)
jon (22:00.767)
How many on your team?
jon (22:05.599)
15, okay. There, your guys are moving some deals. Yeah.
jon (22:15.871)
Tahir Javed Kashif (22:21.594)
Last year we had only two advisors, this year we have five. So the first year when I started in 2021, that's when I would properly started. I did six or seven deals. All right, 2022 I did about 10, 11. 2023 I did 18, 19 deals. This year we set ourselves a target of 50 deals. So the time I did...
jon (22:25.119)
jon (22:46.783)
Tahir Javed Kashif (22:50.106)
five deals in the year one, we had only 10, 15 businesses in those things. And then, you know, our closing is, we do 30 % average closing. So out of 100 businesses we have listed, so we close 30 within a year, within a 12 -month period.
jon (23:07.423)
Hey man, if you play Major League Baseball, that'll get you into the Hall of Fame. A 300 average, yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (23:11.386)
Yeah, yeah, so yeah, so 30 % is average. We do closing and so yeah, so it's a listing thing. So that's why I put a lot of efforts on acquiring new listings, new business. Yeah.
jon (23:25.407)
Yeah. Let me ask you one more question. Are you satisfied with this price range between, you know, your lower threshold and upper threshold? The reason I gave you that example, because I like 10 years ago, I tried to buy a business from FE International and they were selling a lot of SMB stuff. Now they moved up to the ladder to lower middle market to middle market. A hundred million dollar businesses. Yeah. Are you happy with?
Tahir Javed Kashif (23:43.706)
Tahir Javed Kashif (23:49.722)
All right.
jon (23:54.463)
where you're at or are you gonna stay?
Tahir Javed Kashif (23:59.002)
Obviously, if you get a bigger check, that makes you happier. So what I learned in this business, the closing a hundred million dollar deal or closing a deal of $10 ,000 requires the same amount of effort. In fact, the smaller deals more work than the bigger deals. So if you can close bigger, why not? But to go to bigger deals, you have to go through the process. The learning curve...
jon (24:04.383)
jon (24:15.199)
Tahir Javed Kashif (24:28.73)
the process of understanding the bigger you go the bigger you know the deals get complex you need to have connections you need to have right advice right training i don't want to go and start having bigger deals and getting you know yeah exactly exactly so yeah so i mean when i started selling evis my aim was to sell 100 000 revenue 100 000 valuation to 500 000
jon (24:39.391)
Yeah, you got to be in the same room as somebody doing $100 million, billion dollar deals already. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (24:59.674)
And right now our biggest listing is worth $35 million. So we are here, 25 million bucks, that's our biggest listing at the moment. And we have few for $10 million, $50 million, we are getting bigger and bigger. And in fact today I had a phone call with a seller who had business with $50 million revenue. So I'm gonna meet them next week to do a valuation. So we're getting there. So I think it's all about process and time.
jon (25:04.287)
35 million bucks, yeah.
jon (25:21.727)
Tahir Javed Kashif (25:28.858)
when you get to that stage. So I'm not in a rush. I'm enjoying that game, I'm loving it, I'm making good money. I really love every minute of it.
jon (25:31.423)
jon (25:42.239)
Even the downsides where a deal falls apart within the last, you know last week that's you know, that's part of the game
Tahir Javed Kashif (25:49.978)
Yeah, that's part of the game and I'm okay, I'm disappointed, but I'm not kind of, you know, like sad or the reason why I think I don't think about permission. I think the key in this game is to have the ultimate income. I also have another SaaS platform which gives me good money that pays the bill. So I do build chatbots. So I have a product where we build automation. That was my, I built that.
software when I sold my company in 2018. So 2019, 2020, I was busy building that platform. So it's a platform where we do automation, chats automation on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Google My Business, Wiver, all these inboxes in one inbox and we have chat GPT APIs, many other APIs within that. So it's a great product. We have recurring suppliers who pay us every month. So.
So maybe that was the reason, so I don't go after the money. But I think anybody who's listening and wants to become a successful business broker, the first you need to sort out your monthly expenses. If that's not sorted, it's the hardest business to beat. Because if it's commission only, if you don't have any income, that's it. You can't do nothing. You always stress out.
jon (27:03.967)
You're not gonna do it. Yeah, I saw another business broker said to set your expectations. You may not get the first deal for 18 months. So 18 months of runway. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (27:12.954)
Exactly. And I can give you another advice. I don't know if someone is listening who wants to become a business broker and is listening to this podcast. Another way of starting with this, start with consulting. A lot of small business services a business owner requires. You aim to be a business broker from three years from now and you have no recurring income. You're working at the moment or you're just sitting watching or listening to that podcast and you want to get to that level where you make unlimited amount of money. Start consulting.
Learn a skill, maybe accounting, bookkeeping, marketing, start with this. Build some recurring income. That will take 12 months maximum. So before you can have a small income, which can come and go back, then you move into with the side of this appropriate, build your pipeline, you're going to make millions.
jon (28:02.111)
Yeah, beautiful to hear. Thank you so much for being on my show and telling us your story about Business Broker in Dubai. Thank you.
Tahir Javed Kashif (28:04.634)
Yeah. Yeah.
Tahir Javed Kashif (28:09.914)
Yeah, thank you. Anybody who's listening wants to buy a business in Dubai or wants to relocate in Dubai to a company formation or you need anything, any information about Dubai, I think join.
email numbers, everything, just to get connected with me and then I'll be happy to talk to you. Thank you, John, for having me. All right, thanks.
jon (28:27.327)
We'll do it. Thank you. Let me stop.