Your First Business Acquisition Is the Hardest - and the Costliest If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing

Let Us Guide You Through the Deal So You Don’t Pay the “Rookie Tax”

Unlock the 3 Key Levers to Buy a Million Dollar Business: Deal Flow, Deal Review & Deal Financing.  Choose the Exact Tools
You Need to Succeed

1. Struggling to Find Good Deals?  Unlock a Flood of Deal Flow with Ease

Deal Flow Machine Lessons Include:
  • Find Hidden Gems on BizBuySell—Get only the best, most profitable businesses. No junk.
  • Create Your Buyer Roadmap—Know exactly what deals to target and why.
  • Massive Action, Massive Results—Cut the noise. Focus on high-value deals.
  • On & Off Market Deals—Access deals nobody else knows about, and nail the financing.
  • Leverage Brokers Like a Pro—Brokers will want to work with you. We'll show you how.
  • Use LinkedIn to Attract Sellers—Turn your profile into a deal magnet.
  • Control Seller Conversations—Know exactly what to say to close the deal.
🔑 Access Deal Flow Machine $199 ➟

2.  Stop Guessing.  Learn How Read Financials and Pick "GOOD" Deals

Deal Review Genius Lessons Include:
  • Spot Good vs. Bad Deals—Get the tools to instantly know if a deal is worth your time (or if it’s a ticking time bomb).
  • Fundable vs. Unfundable—Don’t waste time on deals that no one will finance.
  • Read Financials Like a Pro—Master income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports to uncover hidden gold.
  • Avoid the Worst Deals—Learn the 17 types of businesses you should never touch.
  • Valuation Made Simple—Quickly determine how much a company is really worth.
  • Negotiating Working Capital—The second-biggest deal killer. We show you how to win.
  • Structure the Best Deal—Learn the secret to getting the best price AND the best terms.
  • Risk Mitigation Mastery—Identify, assess, and treat risks like a seasoned pro.
🔑 Get Deal Review Genius $199 ➟

3.  Master the Art Raising Capital to Finance Your Deal—and Never Miss Out Again

Deal Financing Expert Lessons Include:
  • Financing Options Made Simple—Understand the full range of financing tools available to fund your deal.
  • Structuring the Perfect Deal—Learn how to set up financing that works for you, not just the lender.
  • Legal Must-Knows—Don’t get tripped up by legal pitfalls. We break down the essentials.
  • Real-World Case Studies—Learn from fund experts who’ve done it all—real deals, real lessons.
  • DSCR & SBA Loan Leverage—Master the financial metrics to secure SBA loans with confidence.
  • Navigating the SBA Maze—Get a step-by-step guide through the SBA loan process, including how long it really takes.
  • Raise Your Down Payment—Learn how to tap outside investors to cover the cash you need.
  • Capital Raising Secrets—Get insider knowledge from someone who’s raised millions—how to pitch, find high net worth investors, and more.
🔑 Get Deal Finance Expert $199 ➟

All Courses - How to Buy a Million Dollar Business Bundle

Access to all courses ($1500+ value)
  • Deal Flow Machine: LinkedIn/ON/OFF Market Deal Flow Systems - $199 Value
  • Deal Review Genius:  $199 Value
  • Deal Finance Expert: How to Raise Capital for Acquisitions - $199 Value
  • Exclusive Access to M&A Webinars - $199 Value
  • Access to Weekly Private Deal-Maker "Pass or Pursue" Community - $500 Value
  • One-Hour Consulting Session with Jon Stoddard - $500 Value
🔑 How to Buy a Million Dollar Business $499 ➟

Meet Jon: Your Coach

Jon Stoddard is an entrepreneur, host of Top M&A Entrepreneurs podcast and one of nations top business buying strategists.   

He has successfully acquired three businesses, shutting down one, selling another, and still owning equity in the third.  Jon has also interviewed over 150 serial acquirers, M&A service providers, and investment bankers, gaining invaluable insights - that would a take a lifetime to learn.  Jon firmly believes that acquiring established businesses offers greater potential for success and profitability. Through his own experiences and learning from the failures and successes of his podcast guests, he emphasizes the value of learning from others' mistakes to accelerate one's path to success.

Jon's journey is marked by both triumphs and setbacks. His first acquisition was shut down due to changes in Yahoo's ad policy. However, he went on to buy, grow, and sell a hearing aid e-commerce company on EmpireFlippers and still holds a minority equity position in his third acquisition. Additionally, he co-founded TurboSquid, a startup that raised $5 million and was sold to Shutterstock.

As the host of the "Top M&A Entrepreneurs" podcast, Jon shares strategies from nearly 150 M&A entrepreneurs to help listeners start acquiring companies and become serial acquirers. He created DealFlowSystem, which evolved into a coaching program for other acquisition entrepreneurs, helping them achieve their goals.

Jon has also helped raise more than $50 million for startups, public companies, and helped Uplist an OTC company to NASDAQ.

On a personal note, Jon is a Prostate Cancer conqueror, a loving husband, father of teenage twins, and a dog lover. He is an alumnus of Northern Arizona University (NAU) and a United States Air Force veteran, with a memorable experience riding in the back seat of an F4 Phantom Fighter.

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